Ascaso DUO PID - WhiteSTEEL 系列更進一步,超越了家庭用途。它是一款適用於家庭、辦公室甚至是酒店頻道的半專業咖啡機。 它是由 Ascaso 工廠工程團隊設計的所有版本(UNO、DUO 和 TRIO),並提供符合專業用戶要求的堅固工業車身。它採用最優質的材料(鋁、不銹鋼、黃銅)製造,並且使用最少的塑料。標準版配備 Ø 60mm 過濾器支架和電子溫度控制。 PID 版本提供完全專業的性能:外部可調 OPV 和用於溫度設置的外部 PID 顯示、可調預輸液、待機選項等等。家用專業機器!DUO - 一組咖啡和一組蒸汽。 特點: Thermoblock group 熱穩定性 - 杯中質量。減少水垢堆積 - 不銹鋼迴路減少水垢堆積。無限蒸汽 - 恆壓。不會因水位低而損壞加熱元件。100% 健康 - AISI 316 不銹鋼水迴路。水中無金屬遷移。符合歐洲標準 EN 16889。清潔水 - 每次咖啡都會不斷更新和清潔。咖啡的味道和氣味不受影響。由於水不會留在鍋爐中,而是不斷重新加熱,因此不會影響質量。巴塞羅那採用自己的技術製造。 詳情 特點: 電子 PID 咖啡組溫度控制以 1 度為增量可調。電子蒸汽控制。閱讀更多提供備用選項。咖啡劑量計時器。可編程預輸液。...
- HKD 10,660.00
HKD 16,400.00 - HKD 10,660.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Baratza EncoreRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 50% off retail priceOwn a great machine at a discount Features:Includes 6 months warrantyProfessionally checked and refurbishedIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories provided for machine, may differ from manualOriginal box included...
- HKD 840.00
HKD 1,680.00 - HKD 840.00
- 單價
- 每
Ceado E37S 黑色ø 83 平毛刺 每次都是現磨咖啡。最新一代的電子設備與 Ceado 產品的可靠性和創新性相結合,造就了一種產品,可以保持咖啡的所有最佳品質。 詳情 特點 穩定的鎖緊磨床該系統在世界上獨一無二,可確保在任何工作應力條件下毛刺之間的距離恆定,從而保持所選的磨削一致性。 精密快速設置齒輪快速設置齒輪機構的和諧意大利工藝讓您只需一個簡單的手勢即可調整研磨一致性。觸摸屏全新的觸摸屏顯示增強了E37家族的優雅設計。無需再按按鈕:只需輕輕一按,您就可以自然而迅速地到達您需要的地方。免提操作標準的手柄,也適用於無底/裸露型號,意味著咖啡劑量可以研磨到過濾器支架中,讓咖啡師解放雙手。最安靜的靜音系統創新的機械懸掛電機和隔音使 Ceado 咖啡研磨機成為市場上最安靜的。智能服務防堵塞系統和易於檢修毛刺使維護操作更簡單、更少時間和金錢上的昂貴。 技術和尺寸適用於香港的電壓淨重 12,5 公斤毛重 14,5 公斤尺寸 212x309x557h mm毛刺平面 ø 83料斗容量 1600 g注意可提供其他電壓型號顯示屏 觸摸顯示屏啟動 PortafilterRpm 50hz / 60hz 1480 / 1700按標準計算的平均輸出 (g/s)意大利濃縮咖啡濃度 4 (50hz) / 5 (60hz)
- HKD 8,988.00
HKD 14,980.00 - HKD 8,988.00
- 單價
- 每
Ceado E37Tø 83 平面毛刺 鈦 平面毛刺系列中的頂級型號,由於採用鈦合金定制毛刺,速度更快,性能更高。配備自動控制研磨室溫度的系統,能夠保證完美一致的咖啡結果。 詳情 特點 快速設置齒輪快速設置齒輪機構的和諧意大利工藝讓您只需一個簡單的手勢即可調整研磨一致性。穩定鎖定磨床該系統在世界上獨一無二,可確保在任何工作應力條件下毛刺之間的距離恆定,從而保持所選的研磨一致性。主動熱控制獨有的自動溫度控制系統保護咖啡的稠度免受研磨室中通常產生的溫度過高的影響。安靜的靜音系統創新的機械懸掛電機和隔音使 Ceado 咖啡研磨機成為市場上最安靜的。 工作得更好shuffle snoot 將高輸出與咖啡顆粒的完美分佈相結合,即使使用不同尺寸的過濾器支架,也可以實現更均勻的下落。 技術和尺寸電壓 220-240 V • 50-60 hz功率 740 W淨重 16,5 kg毛重 18,5 kg尺寸 212x309x645h mm毛刺扁平 ø 83 鈦料斗容量 1600 g注意可提供其他電壓型號顯示屏 觸摸顯示屏啟動 PortafilterRpm 50hz / 60hz 1480 / 1700以標準意大利濃縮咖啡濃度 5 (50hz) / 6...
- HKD 11,388.00
HKD 18,980.00 - HKD 11,388.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia AccademiaRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 50% off retail priceOwn a great machine at a discount Features:Includes 6 months warrantyProfessionally checked and refurbishedIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories provided for machine, may differ from manualOriginal box included...
- HKD 7,140.00
HKD 23,800.00 - HKD 7,140.00
- 單價
- 每
翻新 Gaggia Anima CMF翻新展示機-高達45%折扣以超值價格擁有一台Gaggia咖啡機! 特點:官方Gaggia經銷商提供6個月保修由Gaggia技術人員專業檢查和翻新個別檢查,完全正常運作此前用於展示和示範 包括:提供機器的基本配件,可能與手冊不同大多數型號附帶原始包裝盒,提供原始或PDF手冊 *圖片僅供參考模型
- HKD 3,352.00
HKD 8,380.00 - HKD 3,352.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia Anima DeluxeRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 45% off retail priceOwn a Gaggia coffee machine at a great price! Features:Includes 6 months warranty from Official Gaggia DistributorProfessionally checked and refurbished by Gaggia technicianIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories...
- HKD 3,552.00
HKD 8,880.00 - HKD 3,552.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia BesanaRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 45% off retail priceOwn a Gaggia coffee machine at a great price! Features:Includes 6 months warranty from Official Gaggia DistributorProfessionally checked and refurbished by Gaggia technicianIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories...
- HKD 1,944.00
HKD 6,480.00 - HKD 1,944.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia Cadorna StyleRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 45% off retail priceOwn a Gaggia coffee machine at a great price! Features:Includes 6 months warranty from Official Gaggia DistributorProfessionally checked and refurbished by Gaggia technicianIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories...
- HKD 4,690.00
HKD 9,380.00 - HKD 4,690.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia Carezza DeluxeRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 50% off retail priceOwn a great machine at a discount Features:Includes 6 months warrantyProfessionally checked and refurbishedIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories provided for machine, may differ from manualOriginal box included...
- HKD 1,592.00
HKD 3,980.00 - HKD 1,592.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia Gran Gaggia Deluxe RedRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 45% off retail priceOwn a Gaggia coffee machine at a great price! Features:Includes 6 months warranty from Official Gaggia DistributorProfessionally checked and refurbished by Gaggia technicianIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories...
- HKD 512.00
HKD 1,280.00 - HKD 512.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia Magenta PlusRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 50% off retail priceOwn a great machine at a discount Features:Includes 6 months warrantyProfessionally checked and refurbishedIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories provided for machine, may differ from manualOriginal box included...
- HKD 4,990.00
HKD 9,980.00 - HKD 4,990.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia MD15Refurbished Display Machines - Up to 45% off retail priceOwn a Gaggia coffee machine at a great price! Features:Includes 6 months warranty from Official Gaggia DistributorProfessionally checked and refurbished by Gaggia technicianIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories...
- HKD 704.00
HKD 1,280.00 - HKD 704.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia Naviglio DeluxeRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 45% off retail priceOwn a Gaggia coffee machine at a great price! Features:Includes 6 months warranty from Official Gaggia DistributorProfessionally checked and refurbished by Gaggia technicianIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories...
- HKD 3,490.00
HKD 6,980.00 - HKD 3,490.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia Viva DeluxeRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 45% off retail priceOwn a Gaggia coffee machine at a great price! Features:Includes 6 months warranty from Official Gaggia DistributorProfessionally checked and refurbished by Gaggia technicianIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories...
- HKD 553.00
HKD 1,580.00 - HKD 553.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Gaggia Viva StyleRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 45% off retail priceOwn a Gaggia coffee machine at a great price! Features:Includes 6 months warranty from Official Gaggia DistributorProfessionally checked and refurbished by Gaggia technicianIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories...
- HKD 483.00
HKD 1,380.00 - HKD 483.00
- 單價
- 每
蘭西里奧·西爾維婭 V3這款流行的傳統風格半自動濃縮咖啡機經久耐用。其堅固的線性設計外殼由鐵框架和不銹鋼側板構成。採用 Rancilio 的商業級組頭製成,具有出色的熱穩定性和優質的提取質量。採用獲得專利的符合人體工程學的 58 毫米端口過濾器,可實現出色的提取效果。這些與 Rancilio 商用機器上使用的 porta 過濾器相同。 Silvia 的單鍋爐在同類家用機器中具有最大的容量。這款鍍鉻黃銅鍋爐容量為 0.3 升(12 盎司),可產生出色的蒸汽動力和顯著的兩次射擊之間的恢復時間。 在操作過程中,可隨時從頂部移除或填充兩夸脫儲水器。 Rancilio Silvia 採用鉸接式不銹鋼蒸汽棒,可進行全方位的運動,以蒸製完美的拿鐵品質牛奶。使用商業設計的蒸汽旋鈕控制蒸汽功率。這款 Silvia 配有一個 7 克咖啡勺、一個塑料攪拌棒和兩個過濾籃(單層和雙層)。這是工廠直接提供的最新版 Silvia。特點 與 Rancilio 商用機器相同的符合人體工程學的過濾手柄 商業級組頭,具有出色的熱穩定性和萃取質量 關節式蒸汽棒提供完整的運動範圍和專業的蒸汽旋鈕精確控制蒸汽壓力 經典的線性設計適合大多數裝飾 提供可選的吊艙和膠囊適配器套件 詳情 特點 12 盎司單鍋爐:Silvia 的鍋爐由船用級黃銅製成,具有最佳的導熱性。大鍋爐尺寸使用戶可以製作多種濃縮咖啡,循環時間快,蒸汽功率更大,溫度更穩定。 2 個恆溫器和 1 個過熱開關:有一個用於沖泡的恆溫器和一個用於蒸製的恆溫器。內置安全開關,防止鍋爐因故障而過熱。 三通電磁閥:這可以立即釋放泵壓力,從而使圓盤更乾燥,易於清潔,並且在需要拉出更多鏡頭時無需沖洗手柄。更穩定的沖泡溫度,更好的濃縮咖啡和更少的等待時間。 67 樓。 Oz 蓄水池:這是一個中型蓄水池,可從頂部重新註水。如果您擔心水垢堆積,您可以選擇在水箱中添加濾水器或使用過濾水/瓶裝水。...
- HKD 4,816.00
HKD 6,880.00 - HKD 4,816.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished Solis Grind and Infuse PerfettaRefurbished Display Machines - Up to 50% off retail priceOwn a great machine at a discount Features:Includes 6 months warrantyProfessionally checked and refurbishedIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories provided for machine, may differ from manualOriginal box included...
- HKD 4,059.00
HKD 7,380.00 - HKD 4,059.00
- 單價
- 每
Refurbished WPM ZD15Refurbished Display Machines - Up to 50% off retail priceOwn a great machine at a discount Features:Includes 6 months warrantyProfessionally checked and refurbishedIndividually inspected and in full working conditionPreviously used for display and demonstration Includes:Basic accessories provided for machine, may differ from manualOriginal box included...
- HKD 600.00
HKD 1,200.00 - HKD 600.00
- 單價
- 每
Saeco Office 一包使用功能強大的 Office One 入門包加入 Caffitaly 大家庭,其中包括 1000 個單獨的膠囊(100 個膠囊包)!嘗試我們在此包裝中庫存的所有美味高級 Caffitaly 系統膠囊! 這裡有現貨 Caffitaly System Capsule 口味 非常適合辦公室! Office One 的精美設計和緊湊的尺寸,膠囊咖啡機非常適合辦公室使用。它確保了頂級濃縮咖啡,加上蒸汽和熱水分配,用於製備茶和涼茶,以滿足所有需求。 大容量水箱和垃圾箱使這台機器與眾不同。由於完整的顯示屏和 5 鍵鍵盤,它易於使用。辦公室一配備了杯子和自動罐的盤子;它可與櫥櫃一起使用。 特點 • 適用於 Caffitaly 膠囊的可拆卸衝煮裝置:易於清潔和維護• 通過可抽出式抽屜手動裝載膠囊 • 電動機械卸載 • 可以使用咖啡杯傾斜支撐帶來的各種尺寸• 可拆卸蒸汽管,便於清潔 • 可清洗且可從正面拆卸的傾卸托盤• 可清洗且可從正面拆卸的滴水盤• 帶鎖和鑰匙的門•帶鎖和鑰匙的水箱蓋• 即時用戶界面得益於顯示屏和直接訪問鍵盤• 3 個咖啡按鈕(短、長、連續分配)• 實用的密封膠囊使用方便快捷並且包含理想的咖啡劑量,確保完美的濃縮咖啡具有未受破壞的香氣和風味 詳情 用戶界面 •...
- HKD 5,000.00
HKD 9,000.00 - HKD 5,000.00
- 單價
- 每